The climate change without any doubt is the one of the biggest challenges of our time that will impact the human kind for days to come. It changes ecosystem balance and reflects on resources and other important services – access to water and food, spontaneous natural disaster regulation, environmental pollution, healthcare and new diseases spread, pests control and new medications.
The project ‘Game on! Don’t let climate change end the game’ is an initiative of a consortium of 10 partners from 8 Central and Eastern European countries to activate the global youth and react to the existential threat climate change represents for the future of humankind. The project has been made possible thanks to the co-financing of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) mechanism of the European union.
The Consortium strongly believes in the energized, strong will of younger generations to push forth for the urgent systemic change required to overcome the challenges posed by climate change. Thus, the project strives to activate this energy all across the region and the globe through a ‘gamification’ approach to initially tackle three core areas: Biodiversity Conservation, Adaptation and Mitigation, and Climate Justice.
Therefore, we have started developing different products — from geocaching games and board games to museum exhibitions and theater plays — to help raise awareness on the problems of and solutions to climate change, as well as to push the massive mobilization of people to demand and make the changes we need.
All partner activities can be found in the joint project landing webpage:
In Bulgaria, the project is implemented by Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation.
The “GameOn” project is aims to focus the social attention to the link between climate change, life and Earth and to research the adaptation possibilities to the current changes while leading to personal responsibility, collective actions and political decision to be made.
Ovelall goal: raising youth engagement, society and interested countries and leading them to certain actions against climate change with better understanding of the human life impact and ecosystems in Europe and the Global South.
The following 3 sets of activities are intended:
1. Information activities. Beside all traditional communication actions (website development, intensive communication via social platforms, various thematic communication and advertising material), lots of artistic activities (impro theaters, murals) and events such as annual awards for biodiversity preservation and fighting climate change activities, qualification courses for teachers including adapted educational materials, online courses, board game development, interactive museum exhibition, as well as shooting of 4 full-length movies (one of them in Bulgaria) and several short videos and graphic displays will take place. We will have the opportunity to invite speakers from the Latin America countries that are most directly affected by the climate changes.
2. Multipliers engagement. Expanding support network and deep message reach within new peer groups via trainings of nature ambassadors, journalists, bloggers, engagement of and social network influencers and supporting youth initiatives. We will have the opportunity to connect youth, journalists and influencers to Latin America mission so they can get familiar with the climate change effects on local people and nature.
3. All age groups engagement. The goals are to reach individual and collective actions, as well as political decisions that will govern and decrease the effects on climate changes and biodiversity. The actions include: volunteers participation in various events with goal to decrease negative environmental effect; volunteers participation in environmental practical trainings related to climate change; development of mobile app for personal impact measurement and daily routines; advocating actions towards national and European institutions that take political decisions related to climate change (national-wide level as well as in Brussels involving young ambassadors, European petition)
Leading Partner: CEEweb for biodiversity
Partners: The project will be maintained by 10 partners from 8 different countries: Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Milvus group (Romania) , Christliche Initiative Romero (Germany), BROZ (Slovakia), Na Mysli (Czech Republic,) Latvian Fund for Nature (Latvia), Lithuanian Fund for Nature (Lithuania) and Friends of the Earth Hungary (Hungary). Partnering communication company – PersonaR LTD.
Associated partners in Bulgaria: Junior Achievement Bulgaria and YoutHub Association
The European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, DEAR, supports projects that engage the European Union public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development.
By funding projects like „Game on! Don’t let climate change end the game“, the DEAR programme promotes universal values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law and enables European citizens to make positive contributions to global development.
The DEAR Programme funds up to 30 projects that span the EU Member States at any one time. These projects contribute to raising the European public’s understanding and engagement in positive social change, at both the local and international level.
DEAR activities also feed into the EU’s support for the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.
More about the program at

All activities in Bulgaria for “Game over? Do not climate change end the game” project are facilitated by Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation. BBF is a non-governmental organisation that more that 20 years works for nature preservation in Bulgaria and the region and as well constructing positive attitude towards protected territories and species and keeping the society aware for its benefits and responsibilities.

This website is created with financial support by the European Unin. The content sole responsibility is on behalf of Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation and does not specifically represent the vision of the European Union.

The European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, DEAR, supports projects that engage the European Union public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development.